Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Assistive Listening Device Helps in Healing a Serious Wound

Assistive Listening Device Helps in Healing a Serious Wound
 You may find appropriate devices at: http://www.innovativehearingdevices.com
(619) 981-9822

hearing solutions
Helping the disabled or wounded is often ugly and intimidating.  Wounds reek with a nasty smell and need close -up washing and dressing.  I have a special friend in Rosarito Beach and I will keep his privacy and call this young man Juan, he is only about 21.
     I would see him weekly on the main street of Rosarito with a cane barely able to drag his leg.  It was because of my Assisted Listening Device that I had an interpreter to translate  the details of his story straight to my headphones. He had been bitten by Brown Recluse Spiders and the skin was gradually becoming Gangrene.  He wouldn't accept any money and agreed only if I allowed him to wash my car, he had great pride. Weekly I would look for him, bringing first aid supplies and a little money for food. When you can open up your heart to someone in desperate circumstances, the difference is monumental.  Every person no matter what race or culture strives to feel important in this grand world of ours.
listening to problems     If I didn't have an Assisted Listening Device; often it would be impossible to get involved and make a difference in people's lives with the contacts I have.  I depend on translations to hear the story and find out what is wrong before I can help.
     It is often those with nothing that are generous with a caring, self-less attitude.  I met a middle aged lady in that same area that knew him.  She sat in a wheelchair selling little trinkets to whomever she could.  She didn't take up much room as she had no legs at all.  She had had an accident when young and survived with only her arms dragging her about when not on the wheelchair.  People in that part of the world don't have the option of great technology for prosthetic arms or legs.  When I  couldn't find Juan she held the first-aid supplies and make sure they got to him.  She was a true Angel and had a very strong belief in the Lord.  That is what kept a smile on her face. 
    Juan has been seen by a Doctor and is receiving professional help, all due to the help of strangers. Many people are missionaries in their daily lives and I'm proud to be one of them.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Missionary Trips Successful with Church Translation Devices

    You may find a large variety of hearing devices at:      http://www.innovativehearingdevices.com or call directly at (619) 981-9822

     I am an ordained Minister with the Christian National Church and it's an honor and privilege to spread the Word of God through out the USA and Mexico.  I'm not proficiently bi-lingual so I depend on my personal translation system I wear around my neck.  It keeps me involved in Spanish messages and also  I can pray for groups or deliver a sermon and it is translated from my English to Spanish thru an interpreter to the audience with small headphone receivers I provide them.

     On yet another Missions trip down the Baja as I cross the frontera, the border between two countries, I'm reminded of the difference between Mexico and the United States. On the United States side there are cars lined up for as far as you can see, like soldiers in a row.  It is a stop and go snails pace every car scrutinized thoroughly by uniformed guards before being allowed to enter the USA. 

     On the other side when entering Mexico we make a sharp right hand circle and see the huge Welcome to Mexico, Bienvenido a Mexico, sign.  There are also guards on the Mexico border but no one is stopped.  There is a green light on all 20 lanes and it 's a free- for-all with cars racing to find the closest open lane. There is no inspection and all people are warmly welcomed.  It is this welcoming attitude of the people that brings me back over and over again.

     As a minister of the Word of God, I travel into Mexico joining many others in spreading the peace of Jesus into this land.  I also participate in many fund raising events and I'm reminded of how necessary it is to communicate in two languages.  It's crucial that Spanish be translated to all those only speaking English. Those of us wishing to aid in the plight of the families in need of food, water, clothes and cooking utensils feel it a necessity to have translation devices.  Sharing emotions and relating necessities can only be done if you can understand what a person is saying. 

     The Mexican Government doesn't have assistance to all groups of poor and disabled families.  They have no welfare, food stamps or WIC programs.  They have limited assistance to indigenous groups that have been relocated from their communities.  Mexican families depend on each other for help in times of desperation and need. If you are lower or middle class it is family, friends, neighbors or even strangers that make a difference.  They have a very small percentage of homeless people living on the street. Families and friends always find room for one more, they share what they have.     

transmitter and receiver - church language translations
Church Translation Devices make it possible to attend town meetings, church events and rally's.  Not speaking Spanish is a huge problem but fortunately I am in a network of bi-lingual Mexicans that translate for me.  As a missionary I am allowed to reach out to different cathedrals, churches, chapels, temples or any house of worship and Church Translation Devices make communication possible.


    I support Sara en Movimiento in Baja California and she organized a very important event for the Kumiai Indian reservation deep in the Guadalupe Valley 2 weeks before Christmas last year.  We had a band of pick-up trucks and SUV's loaded to the hilt, as we traveled on dirt roads narrow and treacherous.  We encountered overflowing rivers of water, steep climbs up and down on curving dangerous roads.  It was really an adrenalin rush and everyone arrived safe and sound.   We were able to supply presents of food, clothes and blankets all wrapped in pretty papers with the funds we accumulated from donations and raffle ticket sales through out the year.  Our major mission was the spay and neutering of all the dogs.  Our doctors and nursing staff came from Baja California Spay Neuter Foundation. https://www.facebook.com/bajaspayneuterIt is a non-profit group based in Rosarito beach.  They managed to perform surgery on 30 dogs and the reservation was thrilled with all the attention and it was done all in one day.  We had a large barbecue and bonfire in the night.  The natives also arranged to share  their native cuisine with us and there were smiles all around.  It was bittersweet as we drove away watching our new friends in the rear view window with their large waves of appreciation.

Audible Ablenet Listening Amplifiers
  If I didn't have the advantage of Church  Translation Devices and couldn't participate I would lose a great deal of satisfaction and joy from people that give back with smiles and hugs.  My devices like the William Sound Pocketalker  and the Ablenet Audable keeps me connected by hearing what is said in sermons, meetings and restaurants.  Thankfully the Array transmitter and receiver allows important details to be shared with all audiences. 

     And I say, "Hallelujah for Progress and Technology"

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How To Achieve Hearing Equality with Personal Listening Devices

How To Achieve Hearing Equality with Personal Listening Devices

Innovative Hearing Devices
http://www.innovativehearingdevices.com or call directly at (619) 981-9822

      When communicating we pass along our thoughts, interpretations, emotions and our wisdom. Learning from one another is how our world works. Generation after generation we share traditions, crafts and culture.  Whether we like it or not, the older we get we find ourselves thinking, "I'm just like my Mother, now I have her allergies, or remembering how Dad loved tending his garden. He had trouble hearing and spoke loudly and bellowed at times saying, "I can't hear a darn thing, speak up!"
We learn through our senses.  In addition to sound waves filtering through our ears, hearing is linked with sight.  Communicating is comprised of facial expressions, hand gestures, spoken words and the shape of your mouth, ever changing to create different sounds.  Sign language is the greatest example of using gestures to have a conversation or respond to a question.  There is no prejudice against sign language, we have schools dedicated to teaching our children this important communication tool.  Children that are not profoundly deaf do not have the same advantage.  They are not treated equally and this could be rectified easily by offering them a personal listening device (ALD's) that would bring their hearing up to a normal range.  Many students would profit from the use of  a Personal Listening Device.  

     One in eight people in the United States (13% or 30 million) aged 12 years or older has hearing loss in both ears, based on standard hearing examinations.

personal hearing amplifier
 In this day and age most people have some sort of phone strapped to their belt or earphones listening to music, or a blue-tooth on the ears to talk on the phones without the use of their hands. Portable personal listening devices are also used. They have a microphone built in to the transmitter, clipped to the belt sending sound to a small ear bud in one ear and that is the listening receiver.  This appears to be just another device that most people have to block out the world; but in this case it is bringing the world right up close by allowing the hearing impaired person to hear and enjoy conversations all around them.  It does not have to be a direct line of signal, it picks up sound in a large circle around the person wearing it.

     Try watching people without hearing what they say, just observing people's gestures.  Hands on the hip with a rigid stance and serious face and you know someone's' lost their patience and about to blow their top.  Watching two people fall into each others arms, tears streaming down their cheeks you can feel their emotions.  But without hearing you can be wrong about what the emotion is. You can't see the truth behind such emotions without hearing it. With an assisted listening device you can clearly empathize and share in the moment. Could it be that there is a death in the family and they are finding solace in each others arms?  That same scene could be two people overcome with joy over the birth of a child or the news that a son in the Gulf Region has just been pronounced safe with no injuries after a period of no communication from their unit back at base.

     Accurate hearing is vital to understanding normal activities and conversations around us.  Personal Assistive Hearing Listening  Devices (ALD's) are a hug asset to the Hard of Hearing community. For the HofH - (Hard of Hearing), focusing on words alone without electronic devices just doesn't work.  People have different inflections of tone and volume.  Most people have more trouble hearing children and women than men.  With a hearing amplifier device, all sound is amplified and the volume can be controlled to fit the situation.  Each word is distinct and separate from each other, compared to natural hearing that has been reduced to a jumble of words not recognizable.

     Our history is unique to our place of birth. The details of monumental events are plastered all over the news and written in chronicles for us to read and appreciate.  Different religions and traditions make up the balance of who we are.  History shares catastrophes, wars, celebratory speeches and famous people contributing to history.  But what of our own lives?  We pass our history down to those we love with stories.  Having a solid base for living comes from sharing, laughing and re-living the success, bumps and bloopers of our lives. Funny times, sad times and the routine of life is shared with stories and taking time to speak to one another.  It's natural to stop including those with HofH.  After hearing "What", "Say that again", or just plain, "Huh?"  You get tired and stop trying to reach those with HofH.   What a loss!

     One in eight people in the United States (13% or 30 million) aged 12 years or older has hearing loss in both ears, based on standard hearing examinations.

     If every single person, of that 30 million, had a personal FM system; which included a transmitter, receiver and headphones and also an amplified telephone, we could start to equalize hearing. The electronic transmitter is equivalent to someone speaking and the receiver is equal to a person hearing.

Only about 10% of hearing losses are helped by surgery or other medical treatment.  90% of hearing losses can be treated with the use of hearing devices.

     It is mandatory that we change our attitude about personal listening devices in order to achieve better communication.  We should no longer worry about how they look or how people might judge you when you wear a hearing device.  What matters is a person using an assistive listening device is not complacent about the world around them.  They are seeking a way to stand up and be counted, to make a difference by participating in the conversation.

We should give them a hearty round of applause.